Monday, 9 January 2012

The Start of Something Beautiful


It really was only a matter of time before I decided to commit to this medium for unleashing rants and providing commentary on things that interest me. I have taken considerable time in deciding the theme of this hobby, and to be quite honest, I am such a scatterbrain that it may not be wise to limit myself to any one topic. However, travel, movies, and a couple of sports teams - namely, the Detroit Red Wings and the Boston Red Sox, are a few of my favorite topics of conversation.

Who am I? Well, if you poll all the people who like me best (no idea who they are, but my fiance Sarah would probably be a good place to start.... I hope), and ask them to provide you with their reason for Andrew appreciation, you will get a number of different answers, due to my many admirable qualities.

1. Hilarious - To confirm this, please ask my friends Kevin Simpson or Dan Power.... Why? They laugh at everything that anyone says. So if you have extremely low standards of humor... I may make you laugh from time to time. Also, if you enjoy hearing jokes/impersonations thousands of times until they wear out their welcome, again, you will love me :)
2. Handsome - Ask Sarah. She will be honest and unbiased..............Don't ask anybody else.
3. Intelligent - uhhh, I haven't any accomplishments to suggest this quality is true. But just take my word for it.
4. ......Ok, so I only have three admirable qualities that may or may not be entirely legit.

All kidding aside, my name is Andrew Shaw and I live in Saint John, New Brunswick on the east coast of Canada. I love my family and friends, my Red Wings and Red Sox, Main Street Baptist Church, and travel shows (preferably in HD, and preferably in Europe).

I have no idea how I am to promote this blog and entice people to read, but in the end, I feel it is a selfish endeavor that will allow me to embrace my joy of writing while venting on the things I care about most.

I hope you all enjoy.



  1. So happy you are finally putting your talent for writing and hilarious commentary (on everything you encounter) to good use!

    And yes, it is true...he is handsome. Completely unbiased opinion ;)

  2. Really enjoyed reading this, Andrew. You are one of my favourite people!
