Wednesday, 11 January 2012

My Favorite Recipe and a Book Worth Reading

Now some of you will find this mixture a little bizarre, but this is one of my all-time favorites which can be enjoyed at breakfast, lunch, or snack time. All you will need is a bowl full of frozen berries (blueberries or raspberries are my preferred), lightly sprinkle half a tablespoon of sugar over the berries and fill your bowl to the 3/4 mark with milk. For best results, chuck the bowl (minus the spoon) in the microwave for 18 seconds. This frozen treat will change your life. Bag of chips? No thanks, give me a bowl of this healthy and delicious any day. Shawckingly Shawsome! Please see half eaten sample below:

Don't be fooled by the fact that it has taken me an entire year to complete this book. For some reason, when it comes to reading I develop ADD or ADHD... whatever. The fact is that I have been fascinated by this book from front to back cover. Anybody who struggles to understand Muslim perspective on war and Middle Eastern conflict should read this book. Anybody who would like to to get a better grip on Jewish perspective should read this book. Anybody who is a Christian and would like to empathize with both ends of the spectrum should read this book. I give you..... Son of Hamas: A Gripping Account of Terror, Betrayal, Political Intrigue and Unthinkable Choices. Mosab Hassan Yousef is the son of an Hamas founding member and throughout the book explains how he went from Hamas activist, to spy for the Shin Bet, to a baptized Christian. The beauty of this book is the love, respect and understanding Mosab has for all three of the major religions.
Do yourself a favor and give both of these recommendations a try. Food for the body and food for thought. Eat up!

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