Monday, 9 January 2012

Highlights of the Day

1. Finally managed to start a blog. I haven't managed to find a direction for my posts at this point, but I have to say, it's been a lot of fun already. I have received positive feedback from my friends on facebook and I am currently struggling with the idea of maintaining interest. I know that I am the type of person who casually follows the people I am interested in... mainly celebrities and such. But how on earth do I convince people to keep reading and checking in on a regular basis? People, in general don't care what I am doing on a day to day basis. So I think the real challenge is finding things during everyday life that has caught my attention and I know will catch the attention of others. I suppose that is what makes an entertaining blogger - someone who can continue to draw readers day after day.

2. Went for a ride with my bro in his new Ford Ranger. Usually, this wouldn't be such a big thrill for me as we only managed to go to the Irving and back. The truck isn't the memorable part of this highlight, nor is the drive itself. The reason this makes the highlight of the day list is because it represents what my relationship with my bro has become in the past year. I would NEVER have said that my brother and I weren't close. In fact, we've always gotten along great! It just seems like over the course of the last year, he and I have been able to have a friendship in addition to a brotherhood. We are both passed the age that requires looking out for each other in terms of dangerous decisions and choices and can now focus on being buddies. I am confident that he has the brains to make good decisions on his own and therefore I don't have to monitor him as an older brother. Instead I can be confident that he is being the best person he knows how to be and as a result, we can just hang out. We've never really been the type to have deep conversations and let emotions out around one another. But one thing I know I will never forget occurred about a month ago when I decided to ask Pete to be the best man at my wedding. I had just gotten the question mark out of my mouth and Pete had already jumped out of his seat to give me a sincere and appreciative hug. He backed away with tears in his eyes and told me how much he was hoping I would ask. Really cool feeling. So in summary.... A drive in Pete's new truck allowed me to realize that I have a pretty cool brother and that IS spectacular.

3. I killed a mouse. Can't really elaborate here. Ummmm, glad he didn't come in my house...?

4. Began looking into accommodations in Maui. Sarah and I aren't set on Hawaii at this point, but it seems to be emerging as an early leader in the honeymoon sweepstakes. We really had our heart set on southeast Europe for a honeymoon destination when we were first engaged but since we had to delay the date of our wedding until October 13th, that option became less likely. Sarah and I both enjoy sightseeing and were hoping to mix a week of Italy's sights with a week of Crete's beaches. But by the time the middle of October rolls around, the temperature in Greece hovers between 18-22 degrees. Fantastic for sightseeing, but not so much for beachin'. Hawaii certainly offers plenty of relaxation, but is a little light on the history and architecture that Europe so proudly boasts. I can hardly remember being in Maui as a six year old, and again as a ten year old, but the thing I remember best is the smell of flowers and fruit. I have been trying to convince Sarah that Maui is a good choice for the smell alone, but I think I will need to come up with a more compelling argument than that.

I hope four posts on my first day as a blogger isn't overkill. I figure the first step in keeping people interested is by providing new material often. I hope you have enjoyed reading as much as I have enjoyed writing.

PS - If you are interested in WWII or Holocaust reading material, check out this book. True story, but written like a spy novel. SHAWSOME!!!

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